REPRESENTING THE SELLER EXCLUSIVELY! We have the largest connection to Industry Buyers than any other Broker. When you bring your business to market you will see immediate interest.

You will  receive a copy of each Non-Disclosure Agreement issued showing which qualified Buyer has expressed interest. That’s where the process of selling begins. It takes time to walk most Buyers through your business as they decide whether it is a good fit for their company profile.

Once you have an offer, we continue to negotiate the most favorable terms and conditions for the Seller, and unlike any other Broker, we ride the contract through completion all guarantee periods of the agreement.


There are many reasons why Valuations are needed; separation of assets, divorce, dissolution of a partnership, loans, transfers, and preparing exit strategies. Or maybe you are looking at a business but not sure what to offer because you’re not sure what it is worth. The valuation will require specific documentation and your representative should always come back with questions to ensure they understand your business and have applied Value to every possible Asset of the business.


Are you opening or franchising a pest, termite, lawn and ornamental, or lawn maintenance company and need a LICENSE? Or maybe you’re thinking of expanding your brand by adding ancillary services yet need a LICENSE? We place retired Certified Operator (CO) License(s) to “Qualify” your business. The CO then becomes your Qualifying Manager. There may be limited availability in some areas.


Have you found a business to purchase and need a Letter of Intent or Purchase Agreement? Never purchased a business before and need some guidance? There are different purchasing strategies used in our industry, each with a unique attraction. It is important to understand the terms and conditions presented in an offer and how that transfers over to a purchase agreement, which will include additional provisions that address indemnification and a non-compete.


DON’T HAVE A BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S? As business owners, you’re running in several directions and are often loaded down with a long list of to-dos. You may not be aware of or are unable to get past the cloud to see your options.

Whether you are battling the idea of expanding, needing to establish trust in hiring employees, making money but need to build value, or you need a confident associate to bounce your ideas off. Having an experienced mentor can help!

Pest control is one of the most lucrative service industries due to its government regulations and mandates that certain organizations must maintain a service program. The value stems from recurring, contract services. The owner’s responsibility is to maintain service pricing, COGS, and employee expenses within competitive industry margins, keep all Accounts on schedule, use standard industry accounting formats, and present a clean and assuring image. Let us help you lift the burdens that are holding you back. Be a winner!